Friday, November 25, 2011

Christina - February

That little brown thing is a groundhog, just to be clear! Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving.


  1. Make sure it feels "cold" enough for February outside. Of course this will probably be solved when your trees look more like bare branches and less like cacti. haha

    I like the use of text as the wrought-iron frame or whatever on the window. But I might move the figures down a little bit? Their heads are getting kinda close to the f and y. You might try making the window frame shades of red instead of yellow, because I love that red and pink against their skin tone.

  2. Agree with Eve on making outside seem more cold. It's the turning point of the season, so I like how warm it seems inside the building and cool outside (you mentioned this concept in your e-mail and I think it's brilliant!), but I think you can push that even further - also making the outside cooler can create more depth.
    Awesome text/frame! Just be aware that your side banners are facing the same way both sides instead of toward each other.
    Groundhog - super cute! Seems a bit too large in perspective? I think the trees are kind of throwing them off. Maybe you can have some tree stumps, or a road...something near it to compare the size with. Also to make the outside seem more cold, there can be remnants of snow in places.
    Awesome concept, awesome sketch, hurray February!
    Wait, also, the careful with proportions. The guy looks younger than the girl right now because of his shoulders and arms. If the girl's arms are faced forward the way they are, her hips should be twisted more, or we should see more of her ass. But perhaps, as Eve said, moving the figures down may solve that problem.
    the room they're it in a cafe? Maybe napkins? Iced water?

    super sweet concept

  3. I think you have plenty of room between your f and y and your figures' heads.
    I definitely think this could seem colder, but not just outside the window but in the girl's clothes too. Her dress makes me think of a resort line. I know it's warm inside but maybe giving her a scarf or leggings because girls get cold!
